What makes our church special? We all work together to serve our community. Reaching others with truth and grace is our passion. Volunteers and staff are appreciated and valued.
Our MISSION is to: Love God, Share God, Serve God
Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Discipleship is Important
Our Bible classes are designed to help people understand and apply the truth of GOD’S word to their lives. We offer a variety of classes. From infants to seniors, there is a class for everyone. Our New Member class: is designed to start everyone on the same page.
Every day we are around people who are just an invitation away from a life-changing encounter with Christ. Let’s invite them!
We have a strong growing Outreach ministry. We feel the necessity to live out "The Great Commandment". We offer events at the church and invite the whole town. By living as an example of Christ's life and love, we believe that is the best way to give our testimonies. We also canvas our communities and invite them into a life of Christ if they are lost, or invite them to church if they are prodigals (believers not living for Jesus). Our goal is to bring as many people to the church as possible, not just our church but any church that preaches directly from the Bible and believes that Jesus is God, He was born of a virgin, died sinless on the cross to pay our sin debt and He was resurrected back to life.
Our Inreach ministry makes sure that none of our guests or members feel unworthy, unseen, unlovable, undervalued, inadequate, insignificant, helpless, or rejected. That is how we often feel in the world. That should never be the case in church. Our members and guests are valued, accepted and loved.
This group of women gather to share Jesus’s love with each other and our families and community. They meet the last Thursday of each month to plan the following month’s ministry project. We plant flowers around the community, celebrate holidays with our local nursing home, clean homes of physically disabled members, help with local food drives and aid the other ministries of the church.
Our only requirement to join this ministry is that you are Young at Heart. We plan monthly bus trips to see plays, museums, local parks, etc. Usually, it includes fellowship on the bus as well as breaking bread together. No age requirements though most trips are scheduled during the week rather than weekends. Inviting guests outside the church to join us allows us to share Christ’s love with them also.
Our Griefshare Ministry is led by people that have experienced their own grief. In 2 Corinthians 1:4 we are told “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”
Investing in our children, reaching them before the world does
We are super excited about the Children’s Ministry at The Church of Welaka.
We have wonderful teachers who work with our children on weekly rotations.
Children start with Sunday School at 9:45, then move to the Sanctuary for Praise and Worship music, brief Children’s Church by the Pastor, and then they adjourn back into the Children’s wing for their own age-appropriate worship service.
On Wednesday evenings, our children meet at 6pm for dinner and then Bible study again in age-appropriate groups.
The children are learning the Bible and love of Jesus. We are seeing them advancing their studies, being saved and baptized.
Overcomers is a support group. We help others let go of the past and move forward. All of us have difficulty overcoming something in our life. For example: anger, fear, depression, stress, temptation, unhealthy habits, unforgiveness or addictions just to name a few. Not being able to forgive others or self can cause anxiety and even health problems.
Most of these problems are caused by lies we have been taught in the world. The BIBLE says, the truth will set you free. Learning the truth of who we are can set us free from these problems. A Biblical approach to truth can help us overcome these and many more problems we face today.
We believe prayer is the power of the church. Prayer is bringing our desires to the only one who can make a difference. We pray about every concern.
The three parts of ministry. Worship, Discipleship, and Fellowship.
We love getting to know each family member. Eating, outdoor events, and sharing our story helps each one feel they belong together.